ENTSO-E Winter Outlook 2022 report release: The European electricity system is under higher pressure than other years mainly due exceptional circumstances. Anticipatory measures taken by Member States before winter have helped to mitigate impact.

The ENTSO-E Winter Outlook has been released today. The report provides an assessment of the security of the electricity supply for the upcoming winter season across Europe.

Further to the early insights released last October, the conclusions from the full report show higher adequacy risk compared to previous winters. The main system stress is identified in Ireland, France, Southern Sweden, Finland, Malta and Cyprus systems.

The electricity system remains highly dependent on gas however favourable weather conditions may relieve this reliance for the power system.

There are some additional risks identified for the winter that can materialize and have a substantial impact on the adequacy situation, especially if they coincide. Close follow-up is needed on the uncertainties around nuclear availability in France, Sweden and Finland, as well as coal supply in Germany and Poland.

European States have taken specific measures to prepare for winter (gas storage accumulation, extension or returns of some power plants, fuel switching, ambition to reduce electricity consumption) as well as cutting the electricity demand peaks by 5% as mandated by EU legislation to address high energy prices. All these measures , will decrease the adequacy risk significantly.

The report informs on measures ENTSO-E and the Transmission System Operators (TSOs) are taking to prepare for the winter and coordinate at all levels to build resilience to the uncertainties/risks for the power system in the current context of energy scarcities. Electricity TSOs are taking measures at national level and tightly coordinating at regional and pan-European levels via short-term adequacy forecasts and operational cooperation between TSOs and Regional Coordination Centres. Cross-border exchange capacities and efficient market operation are crucial to maintain adequacy in an efficient manner.

ENTSO-E members represent 39 Electricity Transmission System Operators (TSOs) responsible for the bulk transmission of electric power on the main high voltage electric networks. TSOs provide grid access to the electricity market players (i.e. generating companies, traders, suppliers, distributors and directly connected customers) according to non-discriminatory and transparent rules. In order to ensure the security of supply, they also guarantee the safe operation and maintenance of the system. In many countries, TSOs are in charge of the development of the grid infrastructure too.

Contact: Christelle.verstraeten@entsoe.eu