Towards the grid of the future
Our objective is to transform the European energy system into an integrated one, with emphasis on customer, on flexibility and end to-end digitization to integrate different technologies and market services.
Decentralised generation and increased electrification require TSOs to adapt and support a market expansion with a focus on ‘One-System of Integrated Systems’ centred around optimised cross-sectoral integration. Coordination between TSOs, DSOs, market participants, and customers must go beyond mere integration of markets and operations and expand into proactive planning.
Future market integration requires increased grid capacity, optimisation, and integration of new technologies. As a mid-term goal, the transmission grid will have to transport higher volumes of renewable electricity over long distances; hence, embedding controllable devices and control systems in the cross-border infrastructure will ensure that resource management can be optimised.
Large penetration of power electronics, further digitalisation, and stronger connectivity require TSOs to take further actions to ensure the technical soundness of the cyber-physical power systems. System resilience, security, stability, and restoration after a black-out are and must remain the primary mandate of TSOs. In the short-term securing the interoperability of grid components, both hardware and software, is a high-priority task.
TSOs & EU research
ENTSO-E supports the Strategic Energy Technology (SET) Plan activities, through its participation in the European Technology and Innovation Platform on Smart Networks for Energy Transition (ETIP SNET) at various levels: Executive Committee, Governing Board and Working Groups.
The objective is to share with stakeholders from the whole energy sector at EU level the results achieved by TSOs’ R&I activities, but also their R&I needs, and to work together towards an integrated R&I vision.
Energy transition is underway, we help you to keep up with the new technologies related to the Transmission System Operators. In Technopedia you will find factsheets of different innovative and state-of-the-art technologies covering the fields of transmission assets, system operations, digital and flexibility solutions.
At the European level ENTSO-E and it's members participate directly in Horizon 2020 projects and calls

The READY4DC Project will create a community of experts that will give recommendations on the technical and legal aspects of designing an interoperable multi-vendor DC grid.
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The project OneNet (One Network for Europe) aims to create a fully replicable and scalable architecture that enables the whole European electrical system to operate as a single system.
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BD4NRG (Big Data for Next Generation Energy) will deliver a reference architecture for Smart Energy, a modular big data analytic toolbox and setup a vibrant data-driven ecosystem.

INTERRFACE project will develop an Interoperable pan-European Grid Services Architecture (IEGSA) to act as the interface between TSOs and DSOs
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The purpose of CoordiNet is establish different collaboration schemes between TSOs, DSOs and consumers to contribute to the development of a smart, secure and more resilient energy system.
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An Integrated Platform for Increased FLEXIbility in smart TRANSmission grids with STORage Entities and large penetration of Renewable Energy Sources

The SPRING (SuPport foR etIp snet and bridge) project is a coordination and support action group supported by the European Commission’s Horizon 2020 programme.
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OSMOSE is preparing the necessary flexibilities for the electricity system of tomorrow.
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