We are pleased to invite you to the Workshop on “High Penetration of Power Electronic Interfaced Power Sources and the Potential Contribution of Grid Forming Converters”, organised by the respective ENTSO-E Technical Group High Penetration (TG HP) and will take place in Brussels on 30 January 2020 at ENTSO-E premises, Avenue de Cortenbergh 100 (Groundfloor), 1000 Brussels, from 11:00-17:00h.

The workshop will focus on the latest report of the Technical Group. This report collates analysis since the end of 2016 by a group of experts from the Wind/PV/HVDC industry, system engineering consultants, academia and TSOs, focused on the power electronic converters that are being used as an interface towards the Alternating Current (AC) power system in a wide range of applications covering power generation, transmission and consumption/demand, and which have the effect of changing the dynamic properties of the AC power system.

The analysis is concentrated on one of the potential solutions for the extreme, but in future realistic case of Power Electronic Interfaced Power Sources (PEIPS) contributing between 60 and 100% of the total instantaneous power supply. It defines the characteristics of applying Grid Forming Converters (GFC) as one emerging solution, which meanwhile can be considered undisputed as such, but deserves further clarifications and specifications, as well as descriptions of the underlying system needs.

The seven topics of concern examined by TG HP are:

  • Creating system voltage
  • Contributing to fault level
  • Sink for harmonics
  • Sink for unbalance
  • Contribution to inertia
  • System survival to allow effective operation of Low Frequency Demand Disconnection (LFDD)
  • Preventing adverse control interactions

These critical capabilities or behavioural characteristics must continue to be adequately delivered after the progressing displacement of synchronous generators, in particular when operating above 60% instantaneous penetration of converter interfaced power sources, in order to continue to ensure stable voltage, frequency and system angle under all operating conditions (steady state and disturbed).

The workshop will also discuss about a chapter of the report that includes outstanding questions, proving that there are still a lot of challenges ahead to properly define the functional needs and GFC capabilities in combination with required industry developments to efficiently meet them.

The workshop is public and targets all relevant stakeholders incl. TSO experts, industry experts, universities, research organisations. Feel free to share this invitation with your related contacts that could be interested in participating.

Hereby you can find the agenda and here you can download all the presentations.

For logistical reasons, we kindly ask you and/or your colleagues to confirm your participation via the link below by 23 January 2020.

In case of any questions, please do not hesitate to contact Ioannis Thelogitis (ioannis.theologitis@entsoe.eu).