• ​​​​Market design to provide the power system with increasingly needed flexibility
  • Strengthen price signals to determine electricity usage, dispatch and investment
  • Strong regional coordination on risk preparedness, system adequacy and system operations

ENTSO-E’s responses to the Commission’s market design consultation highlight the progress achieved with network codes and the target model, while suggesting how to close regulatory gaps. ENTSO-E makes policy proposals on how to allow distributed flexibility from across Europe into wholesale markets, and to strengthen regional cooperation on capacity mechanisms and support schemes. Concrete suggestions are made on balancing responsibility for all RES generators, on the role of cost-reflective imbalance prices, and on how ENTSO-E’s improved system adequacy analyses should become a basis for regional or EU reviews of capacity and support schemes.

“Our responses are forward-looking and ambitious. We want customers to continue enjoying an affordable, stable and cleaner supply of electricity at the flip of a switch, while being empowered through more dynamic pricing and new service providers. This should allow them to participate as strongly as they wish in meeting the need for flexibility concludes Konstantin Staschus, ENTSO-E Secretary-General.
