On May 23, the members of the newly composed External Advisory Group (EAG) of ENTSO-E met for its first meeting in Brussels.

The EAG was set up following-up on a decision made by ENTSO-E Assembly in December 2022. The role of the EAG is to provide impartial strategic advice to the Board of ENTSO-E. It will primarily share its views on the ENTSO-E Annual Work Programme and other key ENTSO-E work products as applicable with a view towards serving the European society at large according to the Terms of reference.

The EAG group is composed of Ann Mettler, Vice President Europe Breakthrough Energy; Cédric Philibert, Associate Research Fellow, Center for Energy & Climate IFRI; Sanna Syri, Professor Energy Technology and Economics, Aalto university and Jorge Vasconcelos, Chairman of NEWES, New Energy Solutions; while Marie Donnelly, Chair Climate Change Advisory Council and  Former Director for Renewables, Energy Efficiency and Innovation, DG Energy EU Commission has been elected chair of the group.

The minutes from the meeting are available here.

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