DSO Entity and ENTSO-E Joint Statement on Cyber Security Network Code

Today, the European Union published the first-ever EU Network Code on Cybersecurity for the electricity sector. The publication is an important step to improve the cyber resilience of critical EU energy infrastructure and services.

The new Network Code on Cybersecurity has been developed in response to the growing digitalisation and interconnection of national power systems. It provides a common standard to ensure the security and reliability of the interconnected system.

The Network Code will support a high, common-level of cybersecurity for cross-border electricity flows in Europe by setting common rules to perform cybersecurity risk assessments, report cyber-attacks, threats and vulnerabilities, and establishing cybersecurity risk management. It also includes recommendations for supply chain security.

The publication of the network code on cybersecurity marks an important milestone for the completion of the internal energy market and the achievement of the European Union’s energy objectives, both at the level of transmission and distribution electricity grids. The network code was indeed mandated by EU law under the Electricity Regulation (EU) 2019/943 and in the 2022 EU Action Plan to digitalise the energy system.

The drafting of the network code was achieved thanks to the excellent collaboration between the European Network of Transmission System Operators (ENTSO-E) and the European Distribution System Operators Entity (DSO Entity). ENTSO-E and DSO Entity also greatly value the close communication and open collaboration with the European Commission and ACER, who supported a consistent effort towards the delivery of the Network code. We also thank the European Union agency for Cybersecurity for the continuous and active support.

In the coming months, ENTSO-E and DSO Entity will continue their collaboration and work on the different documents that will guide the implementation of the Network Code.

About EU DSO

EU DSO Entity is a technical expert body mandated by the Electricity Market Regulation (2019/943/EU) to promote the functioning of the electricity market and to facilitate the energy transition. DSO Entity represents more than 900 diverse Distribution System Operators (DSOs) connecting 250 million households to the electricity grid in 27 Member States.

More information on EU DSO Entity can be found on our website www.eudsoentity.eu or contact info@eudsoentity.eu


ENTSO-E, the European Network of Transmission System Operators for Electricity, is the association for the cooperation of the European transmission system operators (TSOs). The 40 member TSOs, representing 36 countries, are responsible for the secure and coordinated operation of Europe’s electricity system, the largest interconnected electrical grid in the world. In addition to its core, historical role in technical cooperation, ENTSO-E is also the common voice of TSOs. More information on ENTSO-E can be found on our website www.entsoe.eu or contact media@entsoe.eu