This new ENTSO-E Strategic Roadmap is built around two pillars which reflect the shared twofold mission of TSOs in Europe: preparing a future Power System fit for Carbon-Neutral Europe, while managing a Secure and Efficient Power System for the whole of Europe.

Therefore, while continuing to facilitate power system security, efficiency and resilience, ENTSO-E is adding a new central dimension to its activities; a forward-looking approach based on the ENTSO-E Vision for a Carbon-Neutral Europe.

The future system will rely on carbon-neutral energy sources, on flexibility resources to complement the weather-dependent generation and on a secure, efficient power grid. The pivotal role of electrification and the growing interdependencies across sectors make the European electricity system and grid infrastructure central to the future energy landscape and the European economy.

While preparing for carbon neutrality, TSOs will continue to provide a secure and efficient European power system for the whole of Europe.

Read the ENTSO-E Strategic Roadmap 2023 – 2025 here.