Following Article 12 of Annex I of Agency for the Cooperation of Energy Regulators (ACER) Decision 04/2021 that asked for an assessment of, at least, Capacity Calculation Regions (CCRs) Hansa, Core and Nordic, Transmission System Operators (TSOs) decided to develop a CCR assessment framework on a voluntary basis. The purpose is to apply this framework to any CCR assessments in the future, including assessments resulting from a legal requirement (e.g. Article 12 of Annex I ACER Decision 04/2021) in addition to any other CCR assessment TSOs wish to perform. The CCR assessment will not be performed on a regular basis.

The assessment framework proposes a three-step approach to analysing CCRs:

  • Step 1: identify alternative CCR configuration(s);
  • Step 2: assess the alternative CCR configuration(s) against the status quo; and
  • Step 3: Either maintain the current status quo of CCRs in the event it is more efficient than the alternative CCR configuration(s) assessed or provide a recommendation to amend the CCRs configuration in the event a different scenario is found to be more efficient than the status quo.

All TSOs have developed this framework to outline the relevant parameters that require consideration to achieve a comprehensive analysis. The framework document is a “toolbox” to be used by all TSOs when performing any future assessments of CCR configurations.

Download the CCR Assessment Framework here.

For any questions, please contact Gjorgji Shemov.