The Implementing Act (EU) C(2023)3477 of 6 June 2023 opened up the possibility of EU DSO Entity and ENTSO-E to support the European Commission to ensure transparent procedures to access metering data within the EU.

Our two organisations have created the Joint Working Group (JWG) on Data Interoperability to deliver this task. The members of this JWG will work closely together and have regular meetings with stakeholders to create transparency and obtain the necessary feedback on the work being developed.


The JWG is formed from experts being nominated by the DSO Entity and ENTSO-E. In addition to those experts, three different Task Forces (TFs) with nominated representatives from both organisations have been created with the aim of supporting the goals of the JWG. The main tasks of these TFs are:

To facilitate transparency and to obtain timely feedback on its work, each TF will engage regularly with a stakeholders’ panel (one per TF). This engagement will aim to achieve that:

  • the TFs inform stakeholders about the current state of the work inside the TF;
  • stakeholders provide the JWG and its TFs with inputs as well as feedback on the ongoing work of the TFs;
  • stakeholders provide feedback on documents the TFs could circulate to obtain a broader perspective; and
  • stakeholders may present their positions on specific topics being considered by the TFs.

This information will then be considered by the TFs in the development of their deliverables for the JWG.


DSO Entity and ENTSO-E are looking for knowledgeable experts representing relevant stakeholders for each stakeholders’ panel. Both organizations will aim for a balanced diversity in the three stakeholders’ panels. To achieve this objective, the JWG will evaluate the applications using the following criteria:

  • the candidate has the required skills to provide the tasks identified above;
  • the candidate has the time required to engage in the relevant stakeholder forum (0.5 days a week);
  • the stakeholders’ panels will present a balanced regional representation of the different Member States; and
  • the candidate represents a significant number of citizens/companies (and those are not being represented by other members of the stakeholders’ panels).

To facilitate the operation of these stakeholders’ panels, the JWG reserves the right to set a maximum number of members in the stakeholders’ panels.

Please fill out the following form before 19 November 2023, 23h59, CET. When completing this form, please indicate whether you would be the main point of contact or an alternate.

If you have any additional questions, do not hesitate to contact Fernando Dominguez (