Research is already a business support activity within the TSOs – is one of the major outcomes of the new Research, Development and Innovation (RDI) Monitoring Report that is published now. Out of the screened 117 RDI projects of the TSOs, the majority, 51 percent are financed or co-financed by the TSOs themselves, while 35 percent is financed or co-financed by the EU.
The purpose of the RDI Monitoring Report is to assess the coverage level of the recently finished or ongoing TSO RDI projects against the more than 80 milestones of the ENTSO-E RDI Roadmap 2020-2030 and thus to provide input to the new ten-year RDI Roadmap by identifying macro-trends and potential gaps.
The Report shows that 80 percent of these milestones are already covered at some degree, which highlights the deep commitment of TSOs towards carbon neutrality and the strong alignment with the Green Deal and the REPowerEU action plans. To learn more about the outcomes of the Monitoring Report, join our public webinar on 22 June 15.00-16.30 CET!