Pursuant to its legal mandates and monitoring needs, ENTSO-E initiated in 2021 a project to develop a customized solution to gather data from TSOs after the national implementation of the Connection Network Codes.

Following the development of the tool by Uprise, ENTSO-E successfully deployed the Implementation Monitoring Platform (IMP) for the Connection Network Codes for handling internal monitoring activities.

The IMP has been used successfully in the monitoring processes of 2022 by TSOs’ representatives for Connection Network Codes (NCLPs) and the dedicated working group (StG CNC) in ENTSO-E.

Following this achievement, ENTSO-E identified opportunities for upgrading the IMP and launched the development of its version 2 with Uprise, which has been made available online, https://imp.entsoe.eu. Some of the key functionalities of the platform below:

Creation of a public layer, in line with ENTSO-E’s transparency policy, facilitating the outcome of the monitoring processes in a user-friendly manner, enabling stakeholders to consult reports and comparative data of the implementation of the Connection Network Codes across the EU Member States. By doing so, ENTSO-E follows a related stakeholder’s suggestion voiced in the Grid Connection European Stakeholder Committee:

  • Inclusion of national implementation of non-exhaustive parameters from the Connection Network Codes (CNCs) in a dynamic table and which allows NCLPs to update the needed piece of data without any further intervention, facilitating keeping this source of information up to date.
  • Development of dynamic graphs for the diverse national implementations of non-exhaustive parameters, enhancing the visualization of correlations of the diverse system needs driving different regulatory approaches.
  • Inclusion of Implementation Monitoring Reports from previous years.

Find out more about the Implementation Monitoring Platform for Connection Network Codes and access here.