In accordance with the ACER decision 29/2020 of 24 November 2020 on the methodology and assumptions that are to be used in the Bidding Zone Review process and for the alternative bidding zone configurations to be considered (BZR Methodology), Transmission System Operators (“TSOs”) of all Bidding Zone Review Regions shall jointly perform a study in order to estimate transition costs occurring from a bidding zone reconfiguration. The study shall aim at providing an overview of necessary adaptations and possibly a range of related cost estimates. The study shall also consider stakeholders’ replies to the public consultation conducted pursuant to Article 17.4 of the BZR Methodology.

In the framework of the above mentioned study, TSOs are now launching a questionnaire on transition costs. Through this questionnaire, information on transition costs inherent to the specific bidding zone reconfigurations to be analysed in the bidding zone review will be gathered. EU Stakeholders are welcomed to fill in the questionnaire by 31.10.2022 by providing one feedback per stakeholder organisation.

TSOs are organising a public webinar on 16th September 2022 10am-1pm CET to allow interested stakeholders to ask any questions regarding the questionnaire and explain the process for filling it in. During this webinar, TSOs will present data-related update on the market liquidity and transaction cost study. Interested stakeholder can register no later than 15 September 2022.

The video

For any questions on this matter please contact Gjorgji Shemov (