ENTSO-E releases today this Annual Report, through which we aim to provide stakeholders with a description of ENTSO-E’s activities carried out from January to December 2021. These relate to the implementation of the legal mandates and of the Pan-European All TSOs tasks (facilitated by ENTSO-E) in seven key areas: System Operation; Market; System Development; Transparency Regulation; Research, Development and Innovation; Cybersecurity, Interoperability and Data; and the TSO-DSO partnership and demand side flexibility.

While ENTSO-E and TSOs are still implementing the Third Package, 2021 also saw the implementation of several legal mandates stemming from the Clean Energy Package (CEP). In addition, while delivering legally mandated tasks, ENTSO-E also aims to support policy objectives, in particular the Green Deal, on a pan-European level. This ambition concerns all aspects of ENTSO-E’s work as the increase of variable renewable generation and the electrification of several sectors, among other factors, impact all the activities of the Transmission System Operators (TSOs).

The successful implementation of these activities shows the commitment of TSOs towards a climate-neutral economy in line with the European Commission Green Deal’s initiative, and relies on the input provided by stakeholders. This Annual Report has been submitted for public consultation from 16 May to 13 July 2022.

Visit the Annual Report 2021 website here.