On 28 June ENTSO-E we published the ENTSO-E Market Report 2024 and ENTSO-E Balancing Report 2024. These publications outline the work achieved by European Transmission System Operators (TSOs) in cooperation with their stakeholders in integrating the European electricity wholesale and balancing markets by implementing the Capacity Allocation and Congestion Management (CACM) Regulation, the Forward Capacity Allocation (FCA) Regulation and the Electricity Balancing (EB) Regulation.

The Market Report 2024 looks at the developments made in the day-ahead and intraday coupling, forward capacity allocation as well as the balancing markets. The report also presents an overview of current and future developments impacting the European electricity market.

The Balancing Report 2024 is focusing on the technical aspects of the implementation at European, regional and national levels of the Electricity Balancing Regulation.

Slides are available here