The Clean Energy for all Europeans Package and in particular Regulation (EU) 2019/943 on the internal market for electricity, places resource adequacy in a central position in the European energy policy context. As required by Article 23 of the Electricity Regulation, ENTSO-E has developed methodologies for a European resource adequacy assessment (ERAA) which were approved by ACER in October 2020, and which are the basis for the development of the next editions of the European resource adequacy assessment report.

ENTSO-E has started working on the ERAA 2022 edition, and welcomed all stakeholders to this workshop which provided an overview on the key assumptions and scenarios to be used in the ERAA 2022 report. The workshop also addressed principles and methodological improvements related to the Economic Viability Assessment (EVA) and demand-side response and gathered stakeholder feedback.

To watch the webinar click here.

Slides are available here.

Poll results can be accessed here, while the webinar questions and answers in here.