The Clean Energy for all Europeans Package and more specifically Regulation (EU) 2019/943 on the internal market for electricity, places resource adequacy in a central position in the European energy policy context. As required by Article 23 of the Electricity Regulation, ENTSO-E has developed methodologies for a European resource adequacy assessment (ERAA) which were approved by ACER in October 2020, and which are the basis for the development of the next editions of the European resource adequacy assessment report.

Ahead of finalising the very first ERAA report in accordance with the new methodologies, ENTSO-E organised a stakeholder webinar to provide an overview on the key assumptions and scenarios used for the 2021 ERAA report and discuss those with stakeholders.

Following the publication of ERAA 2021 report in November, ENTSO-E will organise a second stakeholder webinar and a public consultation to gather further feedback on the data, contents and methodologies to inform future ERAA editions.

When and where:

The webinar took place online on 12 October 2021 from 15h30 to 17h30.

The detailed agenda can be found here.

The webinar slides and the responses to Q&A with audience are now available.

The recording can be accessed here.