Energy Transition cannot be achieved simply by building new capacities, unlocking the full potential of the existing infrastructure is also a key component. Innovative technologies are emerging to enhance the capacity of the power grids thus opening the door to the integration of the booming renewable energy sources.

These technologies are already part of the grid operations, transforming the way the power systems are managed. For this reason, ENTSO-E developed a new tool, the Technopedia to keep track of the state-of-the-art technologies researched, demonstrated and deployed by the TSOs in the domain of assets, system operation, flexibility and digitalization.

The slides presented and the recording of the event are now available.


11.00-11.10 – Welcome & Introduction

11.10-11.25 – The ENTSO-E Technopedia

11.25-12.00 – Showcasing selected grid enhancing technologies (GETs)

12.00-12.15 – DG ENER’s Competitiveness Progress Report

12.15-12.45 – Trends for GETs – Panel discussion

12.45-13.00 – What’s next for Technopedia?