‘think globally, coordinate regionally, act locally’

European countries are tied together through power links. What happens in one power system affects the others. Is coordination among European power systems a myth or a reality? Should this coordination only stay at operational level? Can the regional level be a bridge between the national and European levels, as announced by the Energy Union in 2015?

The #PowerCoordinationEurope conference is a unique opportunity to explore the European electricity ‘stellar system’ with its local, national, regional and European dimensions; its market, operations, planning and innovation galaxies with digitisation as a vehicle for connecting the dots between them.

Join Coreso, ENTSO-E and all Regional Security Coordinators on 16 October in Brussels for the #PowerCoordinationEurope conference organised in partnership with the Florence School of Regulation.

Register and view the programme

For questions, contact events@coreso.eu or Lea.Dehaudt@entsoe.eu