ENTSO-E welcomes the work of the European Parliament (EP) and of the Council of recent months which aims to improve the European Commission’s legislative proposals on Electricity Market Design reform, as well as on the revision of REMIT, presented on 14 March 2023. While the priorities and objectives of the European Commission (EC) were generally aligned with the ones of our Vision of a Power System for a Carbon Neutral Europe, we welcome many of the text changes introduced by either the EP, the Council or both, as they largely reflect ENTSO-E’s position on the Market Design Reform.

As interinstitutional negotiations (“trilogues”) have started, we would like to share our technical expertise in assessing some of the outstanding issues, with the objective to facilitate a swift and constructive EU level agreement which will pave the way for designing electricity markets fit for the energy transition. Moreover, we would like to highlight a few critical aspects that, if left unaddressed in the text, may have detrimental effects for the functioning of the electricity market.

Read the full document here