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Stakeholder Interactions

Developing the ERAA relies on the contributions of many stakeholders to best understand how the system will develop. Collecting the views of policymakers, regulators and Member States, as well as electricity market participants, is crucial to informing the ERAA’s outlook. ENTSO-E seeks to involve a wide range of stakeholders from the start of the ERAA process, with substantial consultation during the development of our underlying methodologies. The Electricity Coordination Group, comprising experts from EU Member States, is further instrumental to informing the production of the ERAA.

To make the information accessible and transparent for stakeholders, key information such as presentation materials, recordings, stakeholder questions & feedbacks is published on this webpage.

ERAA 2024: Preliminary input data following the call-for-evidence

ENTSO-E is publishing the preliminary input dataset for ERAA 2024, which incorporates the feedback received by stakeholders in the public call-for-evidence. Along the published data packages, ENTSO-E has prepared an interactive dashboard to visualise the data.

Stakeholders are invited to share further feedback to

The final dataset will be shared as part of the final ERAA 2024 publication.

ERAA 2024 webinar announcement - webinar on the methodology

This stakeholder webinar will provide an overview of the methodological refinements in ERAA 2024. After ERAA 2023 report was published and later approved with amendments by ACER a further methodological refinements were prepared for ERAA 2024 as project to enhance quality even further.

The Clean Energy for all Europeans Package and in particular Regulation (EU) 2019/943 on the internal market for electricity, places resource adequacy in a central position in the European energy policy context. As required by Article 23 of the Electricity Regulation, ENTSO-E has developed methodologies for a European resource adequacy assessment (ERAA) which were approved by ACER in October 2020, and which are the basis for the development of the next editions of the European resource adequacy assessment report.

ERAA 2024: Webinar & Consultation on preliminary input data

ENTSO-E has started working on the fourth edition of ERAA. This stakeholder webinar taking place on 14 March from 10:00 to 12:00 will provide an overview on the preliminary input data for the 2024 ERAA edition and related assumptions as a basis for the next steps in the development process for the ERAA. Along with the webinar, ENTSO-E has also launched a public consultation to gather further evidence-based feedback on the input data and assumptions to inform the development of the ERAA 2024.

Please note that part of the preliminary input data for the consultation has been updated on 21 March 2024. For a more detailed overview of the changes please consult the data change log on the consultation page.

ERAA 2023: Public consultation 18 December 2023 - 31 January 2024

ENTSO-E consults stakeholders on its European Resource Adequacy Assessment (ERAA) as part of the process to fulfil Regulation (EU) 2019/943 (‘Electricity Regulation’) legal requirements. Furthermore, ENTSO-E relies on the contributions of stakeholders to develop the ERAA. ENTSO-E has regularly consulted with stakeholders during the development of this 2023 assessment. ENTSO-E now organizes a public consultation of stakeholders to gather feedback on the ERAA 2023 report and further the improvement of the ERAA.

ERAA 2023: Stakeholder webinar - Results and key messages 10 January 2024

This ENTSO-E webinar brought insights in results and key messages of the 2023 edition of the European Resource Adequacy Assessment (ERAA). ERAA analyses the European resource adequacy situation in the coming decade. Based on state-of-the-art methodologies and probabilistic assessments, it aims to model and analyse possible events that could adversely impact the balance between supply and demand of electric power. The ERAA is an important element for supporting qualified decisions by policymakers.

ERAA 2023: Preliminary input data following the call-for-evidence

ENTSO-E is publishing the preliminary input dataset for ERAA 2023, which incorporates the feedback received by stakeholders in the public call-for-evidence.

The final dataset will be shared as part of the final ERAA 2023 publication.

ERAA 2023: Methodological Insights - Part 2

This workshop comes after the one of the 13 June and will further describe key methodologies of the ERAA 2023 edition.

ERAA 2023: Methodological Insights - Part 1

ENTSO-E has been working on the ERAA 2023 edition and provided an overview of the input assumptions and trends for ERAA 2023 at a first stakeholder workshop on 15 March 2023 from 10:00 to 12:00 CEST. A call-for-evidence has given the opportunity to stakeholders to express their views and propose evidence-based updates on input assumptions. In this first ERAA 2023 workshop on methodological insights, ENTSO-E will first provide an overview on the outcomes of the call for evidence and will then describe key methodologies of the ERAA 2023 edition.

ERAA 2023: Webinar & Consultation on preliminary input data – 15 March 2023

ENTSO-E has started working on the third ERAA edition. This stakeholder webinar taking place on 15 March from 11:00 to 12:30 will provide an overview on the preliminary input data for the 2023 ERAA edition and related assumptions as a basis for the next steps in the development process for the ERAA. Along with the webinar, ENTSO-E will also launch a public consultation to gather further evidence-based feedback on the input data and assumptions to inform the development of the ERAA 2023.

ERAA 2022: Public consultation – open 6 December 2022 – 13 January 2023

ENTSO-E consults stakeholders on its European Resource Adequacy Assessment (ERAA) as part of the process to fulfil Regulation (EU) 2019/943 (‘Electricity Regulation’) legal requirements. Furthermore, ENTSO-E relies on the contributions of stakeholders to develop the ERAA. ENTSO-E has regularly consulted with stakeholders during the development of this 2022 assessment. ENTSO-E now organizes a public consultation of stakeholders to gather feedback on the ERAA 2022 report and further the improvement of the ERAA.

ERAA 2022: Stakeholder Webinar: Results, key messages and consultation launch – 6 December 2022

This ENTSO-E webinar will bring insights in results and key messages of the 2022 edition of the European Resource Adequacy Assessment (ERAA). ERAA analyses the European resource adequacy situation in the coming decade. Based on state-of-the-art methodologies and probabilistic assessments, it aims to model and analyse possible events that could adversely impact the balance between supply and demand of electric power. The ERAA is an important element for supporting qualified decisions by policymakers.

ERAA 2022: Online stakeholder workshop on methodological insights – 11 May 2022

In this 2nd workshop, ENTSO-E will provide an overview on the outcomes of the recent call for evidence on the ERAA 2022 data and describe in more detail key methodologies and methodological improvements which will be taken up in the ERAA 2022 edition related in particular to the EVA, DSR, the Flow Based Market Coupling and curtailment sharing.

ERAA 2022: Online stakeholder workshop on assumptions, principles and scenarios – 17 March 2022

ENTSO-E has started working on the ERAA 2022 edition, and welcomes all stakeholders to this workshop which will provide an overview on the key assumptions and scenarios to be used in the ERAA 2022 report. The workshop taking place on 17 March will also address principles and methodological improvements related to the Economic Viability Assessment (EVA) and demand-side response and gather stakeholder feedback.

ERAA 2022: Webinar & Consultation on preliminary input data – 9 March 2022

ENTSO-E has started working on the second edition of the ERAA. This stakeholder webinar taking place on 9 March from 10:00 to 11:00 will provide an overview on the preliminary input data for the 2022 ERAA edition and related assumptions as a basis for the next steps in the development process for the ERAA. Along with the webinar, ENTSO-E will also launch a public consultation to gather further evidence-based feedback on the input data and assumptions to inform the development of the ERAA 2022