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ERAA 2022 Inputs


The left part of the visual shows yearly demand values as well as peak demand by Target Year for each Climate Year aggregated for the market zones selected in the map in the bottom right side of the visual.

The upper right side shows the proportion of selected market zones expressed as the average yearly demands across Target Years and Climate Years.

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ERAA 2022 inputs:

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Tableau: ERAA 2022 inputs – Demand

PECD energy variables

The visual shows the yearly available RES energy that can be generated by these technologies and injected in the grid for each climate years, provided there is sufficient demand (assuming 100% of the available energy is injected in the grid). The available energy is calculated based on the installed capacities of the reported technologies and wind & solar load factor profiles .

The left part of the visual shows yearly avaiable RES values by Target Year for each Climate Year aggregated for the market zones selected in the map in the top right side of the visual.

The pie chart in the top right side shows the proportion of selected market zones expressed as the average available RES energy across Target Years and Climate Years.

The pie chart in the bottom right side shows the proportion of technologies expressed as the average available RES energy across Target Years and Climate Years.

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ERAA 2022 inputs:
PECD energy variables

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Tableau: ERAA 2022 inputs – PECD available RES energy

PECD hydro inflows

The visual shows the yearly energy content of water inflows of hydro storage technologies, which is either injected in the grid or being stored, under all climate years.

The left part of the visual shows yearly hydro inflows values by Target Year for each Climate Year aggregated for the market zones selected in the map in the bottom right side of the visual.

The pie chart in the bottom right side shows the proportion of selected market zones expressed as the average hydro inflows across Target Years and Climate Years.

The pie chart in the top right side shows the proportion of technologies expressed as the average hydro inflows across Target Years and Climate Years.

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ERAA 2022 inputs:
PECD hydro inflows

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Tableau: ERAA 2022 inputs – PECD hydro inflows

Resource capacities under ‘National Estimates’ scenario

The visual shows – for TYs 2025, 2027 and 2030 – the resource capacities (net generation capacity and DSR) by country and technology in the left part and the capacity mix of renewable energy sources and hydro, non-RES, batteries and DSR capacities by country in the right part. Resource capacity values represent generation/injection/load reduction capacities.

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ERAA 2022 inputs:
Resource capacities under ‘National Estimates’ scenario

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Tableau: ERAA 2022 inputs – Installed capacity for ‘National Trends’

Storage capacities under ‘National Estimates’ scenario

The visual shows the energy content of the storage capacities (stacked bars) expressed in TWh for each storage technology, as well as the total injection capacity of these technologies (dots) expressed in GW per market zone and target year.

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ERAA 2022 inputs:
Storage capacities under ‘National Estimates’ scenario

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Tableau: ERAA 2022 inputs – Storage capacities

Reserves requirements

The visual shows the reserves requirements expressed in GW for each reserve requirement (FRR, FCR), as well as the means used to provide that reserve requirement (Hydro, Thermal or modelled as derated capacity), per market zone and target year.

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ERAA 2022 inputs:
Reserves requirements

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Tableau: ERAA 2022 inputs – Reserves requirements

Thermal capacity maintenance under ‘National Estimates’ scenario

The visual shows the daily ratio of thermal capacity in maintenance, expressed as a percentage of the thermal installed capacity. Values are shown per market zone and county, and per target year.

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ERAA 2022 inputs:
Thermal capacity maintenance under ‘National Estimates’ scenario

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Tableau: ERAA 2022 inputs – Thermal capacity in maintenance

Net Import/Export capacities of explicitly modelled zones

The visual shows the Net Transfer Capacities at the import and export sides per country and target year, at an hourly resolution.

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ERAA 2022 inputs:
Net Import/Export capacities of explicitly modelled zones

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Tableau: ERAA 2022 inputs – NTC

Exchanges with implicitely modelled zones

The visual shows the exchanges between explicitly modelled zones and implicitly modelled zones (non-explicit countries) per country and target year, at an hourly resolution.

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ERAA 2022 inputs:
Exchanges with implicitely modelled zones

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Tableau: ERAA 2022 inputs – Exchanges with implicitly modelled regions

Technologies and capacities subject to the EVA

The visual illustrates the installed capacity subject to the EVA assessment as well as the capacity excluded from it per Target Year.

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ERAA 2022 inputs:
Technologies and capacities subject to the EVA

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Tableau: ERAA 2022 inputs – EVA capacity scope

ERAA 2022 outputs – central reference scenario without capacity mechanism

EVA results

Net effect of the EVA on the capacity mix.

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ERAA 2022 outputs:
EVA results

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Tableau: ERAA 2022 outputs – EVA results without Capacity Mechanism

RES curtailment

Expected RES curtailment ratio for selected BZs for each TY, averaged across CYs and FO patterns.

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ERAA 2022 outputs:
RES curtailment

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Tableau: ERAA 2022 outputs – RES Curtailment

Results convergence

Incremental average ENS, Coefficient of variation α and relative change of α evolution. For further description, please see ERAA 2022 – Annex 2, Section 11.8.

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ERAA 2022 outputs:
Results convergence

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Tableau: ERAA 2022 outputs – Results convergence