ENTSO-E is glad to invite stakeholders to a public workshop on 2-way Contract for Differences (CfDs), in ENTSO-E premises in Brussels, on 17 May 2024.

Confirmed speakers include representatives from European Commission, ACER, Eurelectric, SolarPowerEurope, RAP and academia (agenda available).

The workshop will be in hybrid format with remote participation possible. Please register below for in person or online participation

The reform of European Electricity Market Design, soon entering into force, prescribe two-sided CfDs as the default option for Member States to support investments in new RES and carbon-neutral generation. The workshop will be the opportunity for ENTSO-E to present its recent paper Sustainable Contracts for Difference Design and for all stakeholders and policy makers to discuss what role CfDs should play in future electricity markets. Based on ENTSO-E analysis and other recent publications on the topic, the workshop will also debate CfDs design principles and their potential impact on system operations and market efficiency.

Workshop Presentation