The reports monitor progress on day-ahead & intraday coupling and forward capacity allocation on the one hand (ENTSO-E Market Report 2019) and on capacity calculation in the ten capacity calculation regions on the other (ENTSO-E Capacity Calculation & Allocation 2019 Report). In addition, the Capacity Calculation and Allocation Report assesses capacity calculation and allocation against statistical and quality indicators.

These publications outline the work achieved by European transmission system operators (TSOs) in implementing the Capacity Allocation and Congestion Management (CACM) Regulation and the Forward Capacity Allocation (FCA) Regulation. European network codes are cornerstones in the completion of the internal energy market. A fully functioning and interconnected internal energy market increases Europe’s competitiveness, contributes to integrate more renewables and maintain electricity security of supply.

Read the ENTSO-E Market Report 2019

Read the ENTSO-E Capacity Calculation & Allocation 2019 Report