In mid-September 2019, ENTSO-E will begin collecting applications from transmission and storage projects for the TYNDP 2020. To allow project promoters to prepare in advance of the submission period, ENTSO-E is releasing today a draft Guidance document and invites projects promoters and interested stakeholders to comment and raise questions.

The Guidance specifies in particular:

* the procedure and timeline for projects promoters to apply to the TYNDP 2020;

* the technical and administrative criteria their projects will be required to meet;

* the documents and information project promoters will be required to submit to fulfil these criteria; and

* the use and circulation of the information submitted.

The public consultation will close on 14 July 2019. ENTSO-E will review the Guidance based on the comments received and will publish the final version in early September 2019. The provisional window for project promoters to submit projects to the TYNDP 2020 is 16 September to 3 November.

>> Read the Guidance for transmission and storage projects for applying to the TYNDP 2020

>> Give us your views: Answer to the consultation