December 2015 - Update

On 22 July 2015, the Agency for the Cooperation of Energy Regulators, ACER, recommended the Network Code on Electricity Balancing for adoption. On 23 December 2013, ENTSO-E delivered the Network Code on Electricity Balancing (NC EB) and Supporting Document to the Agency for the Cooperation of Energy Regulators (ACER). ACER provided its reasoned opinion on the Network Code on 23 March 2014.

ENTSO-E studied the reasoned opinion in detail. On 16 September ENTSO-E submitted a new version of NC EB, together with explanatory documents. Based on this resubmission, ACER issued a recommendation to adopt the code, along with amendments proposals. With a few exceptions, the NC EB is perfectly in line with the Framework Guidelines on Electricity Balancing. These exceptions, such as the implementation deadline for the European integration model, are motivated by ENTSO-E members experience as grid operators, and by their commitment to delivering ambitious but realistic codes.

The NC EB is a crucial piece of work that will greatly enhance Europe’s security of supply. By harmonising electricity balancing rules, trading of balancing resources between European TSOs will be facilitated; leading to a more efficient use of resources available, a reduction of costs and an increase in security of supply.

Given the complexity of balancing, its key role in European security of supply, and the low level of current European harmonisation, the NC EB is one of the most forward looking and ambitious network code so far.

ENTSO-E would like to thank all stakeholders who provided valuable contributions to the process, as well as colleagues from the European Commission, ACER and National Regulatory Authorities for the constructive cooperation during the development of NC EB.

The documents are available for download in the Related Documents and Links section below.